Custom VitePress theme that uses the onyx brand colors (which are currently the same as the Schwarz Digits brand colors).
The theme doesn't currently use the entire onyx framework but will be updated in the future.
The very documentation you are reading here is also using this exact custom Vitepress theme.
It extends the default VitePress theme so you can use the same config that you are already familiar with (which includes search, sidebar etc.).
A full changelog can be found here.
The theme includes the following features:
- light and dark theme that matches the onyx design
- colored gradient logo background on the home page
- Font families matching the onyx typography system
pnpm add -D @sit-onyx/vitepress-theme@beta
npm install -D @sit-onyx/vitepress-theme@beta
yarn install -D @sit-onyx/vitepress-theme@beta
You can check the VitePress documentation for further information.
import OnyxTheme from "@sit-onyx/vitepress-theme";
// if you use/override custom styles, they must be imported after the theme, e.g.
// import "./styles.css";
export default OnyxTheme;
This package also includes some VitePress utilities that you can use on-demand.
Breakpoint SCSS mixin
Applies CSS only to the given VitePress breakpoint.
Available VitePress breakpoints
Breakpoint name | Value |
xs | 375px |
s | 640px |
m | 768px |
l | 960px |
xl | 1280px |
xxl | 1440px |
@use "@sit-onyx/vitepress-theme/mixins.scss";
.some-class {
@include mixins.breakpoint(max, m) {
// your styles for m breakpoint and smaller
@include mixins.breakpoint(min, m) {
// your styles for m breakpoint and larger
// the breakpoint is inclusive so if you e.g. want to use
// min and max for the same breakpoint you should
// define an offset for either min or max
@include mixins.breakpoint(max, xl) {
// your styles for smaller and equal xl breakpoint
@include mixins.breakpoint(min, xl, 1) {
// your styles for greater than xl breakpoint (exclusive)